Hey, welcome to my portfolio

I am Rosie, a goal-oriented, empathic and proactive product designer with excellent interpersonal, analytical and problem-solving skills.

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I'm Rosie, and I am
a senior product designer

I am a goal-oriented, empathic and proactive product designer with excellent interpersonal, analytical and problem-solving skills.

I’m Rosie, a product designer who delivers fast, impactful designs with a strong business and customer-centric mindset

Over the past 8 years, I've led launch 0-1 products and design impactful growth and retention experiences for B2C and B2B platforms like Cerebral, Thumbtack, IvieDrive, Firework and Reforge.

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to my portfolio
Mobile, Web

Thumbtack Plus Membership

Built the design from the scratch that drove the company generate more than $50k revenue and attract 1000+ paid members ($49 a year) within a month after the release in iOS and web.

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Mental health
Mobile, Web

Cerebral free mental health assessments

Redesigned mental health assessment initiatives, achieving an 88% increase in user acquisition and conversion.

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B2B2C monetization

Reforge Pricing and Packaging

Built new pricing and packaging for teams and individuals. Led subscription management design on billing and account page.

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Mental health
Mobile, Web

Progress page refresh

Revamped the progress page to include recent activities, journals, session summaries, and personalized progress charts, driving engagement.

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Social Media
iOS, Android

Experience A New Perspective With Reveal Video

Invented and released Reveal Video with team, where combines horizontal and vertical video into a uniquely immersive experience. It helped Firework get featured by Apple Store, Google Play, etc.

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SaaS Developer Tools
Web App

Dashboard Design

Led the dashboard design for video.io to help developers access information and manage assets easily.

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Social Media
iOS, Android

Redesign Firework Onboarding

Redesigned onboarding experience for Firework, used by millions. Increased the conversion rate of finishing the onboarding flow by 20%.

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Lunya Web Redesign

Make Lunya more appealing and compelling for a new visitor who has only seen a Facebook / Instagram ad about the brand.

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Social Media
Desktop and Mobile App

Incognito Group Chat: Beyond the MVP

Created the incognito feature for college students via mobile and desktop apps where they can chat in a safe and fun environment. It became one of the most valuable features for LOOP Social.

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